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Configuring GPTS endpoints

GPTS uses declarative configuration which can be fetched or applied using /config endpoint.

Supported formats

GPTS supports both JSON and YAML configuration formats, but uses JSON as default. In order to fetch/apply YAML configuration, the proper request header must be set:

  • Accept: text/yaml for GET requests
  • Content-Type: text/yaml for POST requests

Configuration file structure

Declarative configuration used by GPTS is a map of URL paths (starting with /) and Route object, which consist of 7 fields:

Field name Description Allowed values Default value
allowSubpaths Causes route to be used for all requests made to subpaths of defined URL path (e.g. if base path is /abc, then subpaths like /abc/def, /abc/xyx will be served using this configuration as well) true, false false
default Default response (used when the specialized response for given method is not available) Response object null
get Specialized response for GET request Response object null
post Specialized response for POST request Response object null
put Specialized response for PUT request Response object null
patch Specialized response for PATCH request Response object null
delete Specialized response for DELETE request Response object null

Response object defines the details of expected response and consists of 4 fields:

Field name Description Allowed values Default value
status HTTP status code correct HTTP status code as integer 200
contentType Value of "Content-Type" header; MIME type of returned content valid MIME type text/plain
content Text content or base64-encoded binary content (in such case should start with base64,) string empty string
headers Dictionary of additional headers that should be sent in response string to string map null

If the configuration is correct, GPTS will respond with 202 Accepted status and no content. In such case, service will be reloaded with new configuration after approximately 2 seconds.

Missing configuration details

If neither default nor method-specific response is defined for given route, GPTS will respond with 503 Service Unavailable status and no content.

Incorrect configuration

In case of trying to apply malformed configuration, GPTS's /config endpoint will respond with following status codes and appropriate message:

  • 415 Unsupported Media Type when sending content different from application/json or text/yaml
  • 400 Bad Request if JSON/YAML content can't be parsed

Other errors

If any error would occur as the request is being processed (e.g. when decoding base64-encoded content), GPTS will respond with 500 Internal Server Error status and no content.

OpenAPI specification

For more formalized form of the description above, please look at OpenAPI specification of configuration endpoint.

Fetching current configuration

In order to fetch current running configuration, GET request has to be made for /config endpoint.

# Change ${GPTS} to proper GPTS service URL
curl ${GPTS}/config
Example command execution & output

curl -s http://localhost/config | jq
  "/hello": {
    "allowSubpaths": true,
    "default": {
      "status": 200,
      "contentType": "application/json",
      "content": "{\"message\":\"Hello World!\"}",
      "headers": {
        "X-SentBy": "GPTS - General Purpose Test Service"

# Change ${GPTS} to proper GPTS service URL
curl ${GPTS}/config -H "Accept: text/yaml"
Example command execution & output

curl -s http://localhost/config -H "Accept: text/yaml" | yq eval -
  allowSubpaths: true
    status: 200
    contentType: application/json
    content: '{"message":"Hello World!"}'
      X-SentBy: GPTS - General Purpose Test Service

Applying new configuration

In order to apply new configuration, POST request has to be made for /config endpoint with proper request body.

curl -X POST http://localhost/config -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary @- <<EOF
    // Content goes here...
Example command execution & output

curl -X POST http://localhost/config -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -w "%{http_code}" --data-binary @- <<EOF
  "/test": {
    "default": {
      "content": "this is some test content"

curl -X POST http://localhost/config -H 'Content-Type: text/yaml' --data-binary @- <<EOF
# Content goes here
Example command execution & output

curl -X POST http://localhost/config -H 'Content-Type: text/yaml' -w "%{http_code}" --data-binary @- <<EOF
    content: this is some test content

Last update: 2022-03-06