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GPTS' default response for unconfigured routes

If user is attempting to send a request for unconfigured route, the application will respond with a predefined response, which consists of following fields:

Field name Value type Description
host string Hostname for which the request was sent
path string Path for which the request was sent
method string HTTP method of the sent request
headers string to string map HTTP headers of the sent request
queries string to string map Query values of the sent request

By default the response is returned in JSON format, but it is possible to retrieve it in YAML format by using Accept: text/yaml header.

  "host": "localhost:8080",
  "path": "/some-path",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.81.0"
  "queries": {
    "param1": "someValue",
    "param2": "someOtherValue"
host: localhost:8080
path: /
method: GET
  Accept: text/yaml
  User-Agent: curl/7.81.0
  param1: someValue
  param2: someOtherValue

Changing the default response

Please note that default response is hardcoded in the application, so it cannot be changed directly. In order to override it, the route for path / with allowSubpaths option enabled must be manually created and added to the configuration.

Last update: 2022-03-06