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Controlling GPTS setting with CLI flags/environment variables

There are four configurable GPTS settings which can be controlled using listed flags and/or environment variables:

Option name Flag Environment variable
Service port --service-port GPTS_SERVICE_PORT
Healthchecks port --healthchecks-port GPTS_HEALTHCHECKS_PORT
Configuration endpoint --config-endpoint GPTS_CONFIG_ENDPOINT
Default configuration on startup --default-config GPTS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_ON_STARTUP
Log level --log-level GPTS_LOG_LEVEL
Pretty logging --pretty-log GPTS_PRETTY_LOG

Service port

Description: Defines the port on which service will be exposed; defaults to 80 in most cases, but is set to 8080 in K8s deployments due to rootless mode1 limitations.

Allowed values: valid port number

Default value: 80 (or 8080 in Helm charts)

Healthchecks port

Description: Defines the port on which health endpoints will be exposed.

Allowed values: valid port number

Default value: 8081

Configuration endpoint

Description: Defines the address of the configuration endpoint.

Allowed values: valid path, must start with /

Default value: /config

Default configuration on startup

Description: Determines whether the default configuration (see below) should be loaded or not on application start.

Allowed values: false or true

Default value: false

Default configuration contents
  "/hello": {
    "allowSubpaths": true,
    "default": {
      "status": 200,
      "contentType": "application/json",
      "content": "{\"message\":\"Hello World!\"}",
      "headers": {
        "X-SentBy": "GPTS - General Purpose Test Service"
  allowSubpaths: true
    status: 200
    contentType: application/json
    content: '{"message":"Hello World!"}' 
      X-SentBy: GPTS - General Purpose Test Service

Log level

Description: Defines the desired log level in accordance to zerolog's log levels.

Allowed values: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic, trace

Default value: info

Pretty logging

Description: Enables/Disables pretty log format. When enabled, log is printed in a human-readable, colored format instead of JSON. This is useful for debugging purposes, but it is not recommended for production as it can impact performance.

Allowed values: false or true

Default value: false

  1. Rootless mode is related to privileges level. GPTS images are built in the way that ensures usage of lowest possible privileges (user app, UID 1000) in order to maintain proper security level. Due to lack of root privileges, the default service port (80) cannot be bind properly, therefore it was changed to 8080

Last update: 2022-03-06